
Jackpots (Progressive Links and Mysteries)
The Jackpot Links module enables venues to manage and control the creation and maintenance of jackpots from within their office, eliminating the need to configure it on the gaming floor.
The ACE System provides two distinct types of jackpots: Progressives and Mysteries, the difference being the ACE System controls Mystery Jackpots while the winning combination of an EGM (Electronic Gaming Machine) determines who wins a Progressive Jackpot.
From this module the user can easily link all participative EGMs, and the respective jackpot sign. Venues do not have to have signs displaying incremental information pertaining to either Mystery or Progressive jackpots as this can be displayed on ACE’s Player TRacking Module (PTM).
Wide Area Mysteries provides a solution to configure and maintain Mysteries that that are configured to support contributions from various connected venues. The product offering enables venues to run both. Local Mysteries, venue specific, and WAM simultaneously.